The Advisory Group acts as a forum for support and guidance to WES. It also considers how best to develop the WES programme to achieve the aims and objectives of the organisation. Group members are appointed for a three-year term. Find out more about the members of the Advisory Group on our people page.

Wave Energy Scotland is an innovative model, but the principle of establishing a publicly-supported centre of excellence to accelerate sectoral development is well established. Scotland needs to be able to support the sector in a way which does not rely on private investment until devices are ready for commercialisation.

Each of WES’s programme stages have ‘gate entry’ criteria that applicants need to meet in order to be assessed.

Applications are assessed according to their technical and commercial merit, impact on cost reduction and performance improvement. As well as assessment by the WES team, certain aspects of applications will be examined by technical experts provided by the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and third party experts contracted by WES where required. WES may request clarifications if required.

Wave energy technology is a relatively young industry and the challenges it faces are not unique to Scotland.  Although there have been setbacks, there is no doubt that Scotland has extraordinary potential in the wave energy sector and could become a world leader – if we make the right decisions now.

Technology developers can get involved in the Wave Energy Scotland programme via the competitive call process. These calls are advertised widely, including on this website, and are open for several weeks to encourage wide take up. Applications are always made through Public Contracts Scotland. Developers are also invited to attend our workshops and conferences and to receive further updates via WES newsletters.

The objectives for Wave Energy Scotland recognise the significant value that has accrued to Scotland in the development of wave technology to date, and the large global market that can be developed through further technological innovation:

  • Seek to retain the intellectual property and know-how from device development in Scotland for future benefit;
  • Enable Scotland’s indigenous technologies to reach commercial readiness in the most efficient and effective manner, and in a way that allows the public sector to exit in due course;
  • Ensure that the learning gained from support for wave device development and deployment to date, in particular the learning from Scotland’s leading wave technologies, is retained and used to benefit the wave energy industry;
  • Avoid duplication in funding, encourage collaboration between companies and research institutes and foster greater standardisation across the industry;
  • Ensure value for money from public sector investment; and

  • Promote greater confidence in the technical performance of wave energy systems in order to encourage the return of private sector investment.