Quick Connection Systems Call Now Open

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) is seeking concepts for innovative Quick Connection Systems suitable for use with a variety of wave energy converters.

Quick Connection Systems are the next subcomponent to be developed by WES in its multimillion pound wave energy technology programme. The ideal technological solution would function in large wave conditions, connect quickly to reduce maintenance costs and increase safety by operating remotely.

Several power take-off devices have already been developed in the WES programme and are undergoing rigorous testing in real sea conditions. Construction of the two novel wave energy converters is about to commence and both 50% scale models will be tested in Orkney next summer.

The connection systems would be an integral element of the mooring system, the electrical system, or both for the wave energy devices.  It is likely that suitable systems can be used or adapted from other sectors such as automotive, offshore wind, mining, aerospace, defence, robotics, maritime and oil & gas.

Successful applicants to the call will undertake a feasibility study on their proposed technical solution in Stage 1, followed by the design and analysis of this technical solution in Stage 2 and to build & test in Stage 3.

WES will offer up to £70,000 (excluding VAT) per project of up to 3-month duration, with applicants free to contribute further funds if desired. Applications must be submitted by 12:00 BST (GMT+1) 16th September.

Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, Paul Wheelhouse said: “This is an important step forward for Scotland’s world leading wave energy sector.  I am excited by the opportunity this call presents for new sectors to collaborate in Wave Energy Scotland’s programme and accelerate the commercial readiness of wave energy.  Wave energy offers enormous economic potential for Scotland and as a technology which can help to tackle the global climate emergency.  I look forward to hearing of Wave Energy Scotland’s further progress over the coming months.” 

Tim Hurst, Managing Director, Wave Energy Scotland added: “In our fifth call, we are very keen to engage developers and manufacturers from out-with the sector. We know there are industries which have specialised experience of employing these types of connection systems. WES needs to tap into that expertise and build working relationships with these companies, by bringing them into the programme to discover which designs are best suited to WEC construction and installation.

Notes for Editors

Applications for the Call must be made through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS). Interested parties must register with Public Contracts Scotland where, once they have recorded an interest in the Call, they will be able to download the call documentation, ask questions and upload their applications.

An information webinar with a Brokerage Event is planned for 14th August in Glasgow as part of the application process.  Registration will be required for the event for those who wish to participate.  Details are provided on PCS and on the WES website.

All participants in the programme have access to the IP that WES holds as well as specialised training, further collaboration opportunities and product offers.

This represents the fifth Innovation Call from WES. Previous calls were:

  1. Power Take-Off
  2. Novel Wave Energy Converters
  3. Structural Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  4. Control Systems


To date £38.6 million has been invested by WES on behalf of the Scottish Government in wave energy technology development.


Call deadlines






Contract Notice published




Information and Brokerage Event




Deadline for clarifications through PCS





Deadline for applications






Wave Energy Scotland is a subsidiary of Highlands and Islands Enterprise and is fully funded by the Scottish Government. It takes a progressive and collaborative approach to tackling the issues which have proved challenging in the wave energy sector and is driving the development of wave energy technology in Scotland and beyond.