Lessons Learnt from Real Sea Deployments
The European Marine Energy Centre Ltd
Guidance documents giving lessons learnt from real sea deployments of marine renewables at The European Marine Energy Test Centre in Orkney, Scotland.
Guidance documents giving lessons learnt from real sea deployments of marine renewables at The European Marine Energy Test Centre in Orkney, Scotland.
Reports from APL cover the development and installation of the Oyster 1 and Oyster 800 WECs, and include offshore operations, cathodic protection, supply chain, tank testing and maintenance learning.
The AWS Ocean Energy reports cover the experience gained by AWS from a variety of wave energy projects, and discuss the drivers for technology decisions during their device development process.
This project compiles information on Pelamis at the time it closed in 2014, covering topics such as PTO, moorings and scale model testing of the attenuator wave energy converter technology.
A series of guidelines, guidance and learning records which were produced internally by Aquamarine Power to aide engineering design work for Oyster 800 and future WEC designs.
A collection of historic reports and test results for activities completed by Aquamarine Power during the development of their Oyster wave energy converters.
This page links to the archives of the Wave Energy Programme that ran from 1974 to 1983, which were scanned and categorised by the Policy and Innovation Group and the Edinburgh Research Archive.