Cost of Energy Optimised by Reinforcement Learning (CEORL)
Adaptive hierarchical model predictive control of wave energy converters
Queen Mary University, London
IMPACT – Integrated Marine Point Absorber Control Tool - WECS
SgurrControl Ltd
Control of WECs based on dielectric elastomer generators
Cheros S.r.l.
Wave Energy Advanced Control System (WEACS)
CPower Alba Ltd
WEQUAD FRAME project (Wave Energy converters linear QUADratic control FRAMEwork)
EPF Elettrotecnica Srl
MarynSol Ltd
Nonlinear Optimal Control: Concepts, Practicalities and Benefits
Industrial Systems and Control Ltd
Innosea UK
Tecnalia Research and Innovation
Adaptive Control of the WaveSub WEC using a Romax Electromechanical PTO
University of Bath
Predictability Bounded Control of the Mocean WEC
University of Bath
Wave Venture Ltd